Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Life Update

The last post was about what is on my mind... now about what is going on in my life! I will talk about it all here, but I will post pictures on Facebook... it takes way too long for pictures to load here! (...and I used to think that it was quicker to do it here! haha)

First, the trip to Gogrial and Akon (pictures already posted):
Great drive! I always love going for drives through new places! I think that is because I love nature and just think the world and landscape is so beautiful The road was not paved, it was like that scene in Ace Ventura when he is cruising through the forest! haha A lot of fun though! :) We visited some brothers from another religious order in Gogrial, then carried on to Akon (about 45 minutes away) where they were finishing up construction on a new church in the presidents home town. It was pretty massive! 

Second, October 31st rosary procession for the end of the month of the rosary:
I love the processions we have here! First because they are always full of children! But also because it is very rare to find such public acts of faith in the US! It was very beautiful walking around the town near the church for about 30 minutes as the sun was setting! It was also amazing to see a procession that was long enough that the end of the line was on a different part of the rosary because they could not hear the front! Very cool witness to the faith by an abundance of children!

Third, All Souls Day mass:
We had off of school for all souls day (but not all saints day... dont ask, im still confused too.) There was mass in the graveyard in the evening which was very cool. Not just the idea to pray for the dead in the graveyard... but because there were at least 4,000 people present!! This is not an exaggeration. I guessed 3000-5000, some other people guessed even more than that. So i think 4,000 is a good conservative guess-timate!  Mass was celebrated by the bishop and lasted about two and a half hours, it was beautiful! 

In other news, life at the VTC continues to go well! Exams are the first week of December, then we have a 3 month vacation from school. I am sure I will be kept busy with work at the parish and with the street children though!

Now that I am giving the exam, and am on the other side of the test, I know a little more how it feels to give tests... I always thought it didn't matter to the teacher how one student does, but it does! I always get sad when even one student does not do well. So, i have a new understanding! -Thank you to all of my teachers who graded my tests! :) 

I'll be sure to keep you all updated on new works that I start when I do not have school!

Those are the main events!! It is almost time for prayer though, so pictures will come tomorrow on Facebook! :) 


(sorry if there are some bad spelling mistakes, or worse than usual grammar. I did not type this before hand in Word like I usually do!)


  1. I think this is why my heart longs to go to WYD 2013, to witness the public displays of faith! It's definitely a powerful thing! and sadly something we're lacking here in the US. haha it's funny you didn't have All Saints day off, I'm glad things are going well! I hope your students do well on their exams, I'll be praying for them and for you!

  2. Thanks for the updates Dan. They are a blessing to hear! I am so pleased to imagine all the people- little children- celebrating the month of the Rosary. What a gift. Praying for you and your students. I hope we can all succeed in our studies: )
